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JSC Tete-a-tete kazino was registered 15 January, 2003. The main company's activity is gambling and betting. The company is a member of the National Gambling and Gaming Business Association and participates in player protection programmes.

Vietnamese New Year (Tet) - VietnamOnline Tet Nguyen Dan, or Tet for short, is considered the biggest and most popular festival of the year in Vietnam. Celebrated on the first day of the first month in Lunar Calendar, Tet’s celebration is the longest holiday which may last up to seven to nine days.Vietnamese New Year in 2019 will last from 4 -10 Feb 2019. How Tet is calculated? Vietnam celebrates Tet (the Vietnamese ... - groupe-casino.fr a range of 18 "Tet special" baskets, the cheapest on the market, which recorded 500,000 sales (up 31% on the previous year), specialities never previously seen in Vietnam, such as watermelons in the form of gold ingots or squares with the word "Fortune" marked on the fruit, etc. 5 Best places to visit for Tet - VietnamOnline 2019 - Year Of The Pig 5 Best places to visit for Tet 2016-Year of the Monkey 2015- Year of the Goat 2014- Year of the Horse 2013- Year of the Snake Hoi An travel tips during Tet holiday Vietnamese Horoscope - The Year of Dragon 2012 5 most popular roasted nuts and seeds for Tet holiday Gifts for Tet festival

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